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  5. 韩城世纪酒店(原延边黄金星大酒店)






























用户: 守利
点评: 宽敞的房间,室内的空间很大床也很大,装修方面也很好,这么大的酒店肯定不是一般人设计的。酒店虽然老了一些,但是它里面的设施保护的很好,硬件之类的都比较好用。他们的价格太好了,这个价格还包含早餐,可以说是物有所值。位置也很好,周边就是商业区,出去玩的话在旁边吃饭、购物都很方便。
用户: 到到会员
点评: 我刚刚读了到到网上关于黄金星大酒店的唯一的一篇点评,我完全同意那上面的内容。真的是不推荐任何人来这里住。后来我们花了比这里便宜三分之二的价格住在了如家快捷酒店——详情请见我的那篇点评。黄金星大酒店很令我们震惊。真是一点都配不上这么闪闪发光的名字! 我们去了长白山自然保护区,去那里就不得不去延吉,因为交通要在这座城市中转一下,所以就必须要在这里住宿了。我们去长白山的路上在如家住了一晚(请看我的那篇评论),回来时住的这里,可是真的很后悔住进这家所谓的4星级酒店,价格还那么贵! 酒店一点都不令我们满意,即使是在我们期望不是很高的前提下这里也一点都不使人印象深刻。我们的房间(如果我没记错的话是豪华间)很差劲:虽然很大但是很破旧,一点都不舒适,地毯很脏,有带洞的床单,床下还有烟头和其他垃圾。 如果只给这里打一分的话那么还只是因为这里的服务员比较友善,但是仅此而已了。食物一般,饮料的选择很少,如果你能看到河流的话那么风景就还算可以,不过也没啥特别的。另外一家附近的“国际化”酒店(就在喷泉环岛那里)看起来比这里要好很多,但是我只是去那里喝了杯饮料,所以不便妄加评论。 我们第二天一早就离开了,因为实在受不了了。而且我们坐出租车时也很不爽,详情请见我下一篇评论,我们会再贴出一篇关于长白山和酒店住宿的点评的。
用户: 84593522
点评: 从当地来讲是不错的酒店。大堂不怎么样,它是酒店的和其他公司的办公写字楼在一起的地方。房间比较宽敞,都是商务酒店的统一装修模式。我很注重卫生,觉得卫生间的还不错,像毛巾、淋浴间的水龙头、马桶都看上去很干净,像我们去一些大的写字楼的卫生间或是机场的卫生间,那里会不停的有人打扫,不会有水的斑迹,卫生做的不是很彻底,它会有水迹,或者要有碱性滴剂滴上去会形成一圈一圈的水迹,一般的小酒店会出现这种状况,但这里很干净。
用户: 到到会员
点评: 在延吉,没什么好酒店可以住。实际上,如果你不是经过这里或者要去长白山,也没什么必要到这种边远小城里来。 我们从携程网上预订了这家酒店。这个旅行网特别不错,在我们两周的中国之旅中发挥了大作用。从网上看黄金星大酒店也算当地最好的一家了,因此我们订了两间双人房。当时我们有两个选择,一个是它,另一个也是挺现代的一酒店(名字忘了),看起来档次相当,都标榜自己合乎国际标准。不过黄金星稍微便宜点,而且选它很重要的一个原因是它去年,也就是2007年才建好,相当新,我想可能会好一点。 酒店离机场15分钟车程,位于市“中心”,可我觉得没什么区别。打车到公交总站也是15分钟。那里没什么商业,只有几家银行,一些商店,除此之外延吉真没什么可看的了。 酒店很让我失望。我怎么也无法相信这是07年才建成的,看起来已经很破旧了,构造也不好。真实情况和网站上的图片相比简直是天壤之别。依我看,酒店曾经有好好干的雄心,不过后来却发现没有那么大,那么高端的市场,之后便开始为了赚钱而无所不用其极。举个例子吧,网站上看起来很庄重的大堂现在挤进了一个俗不可耐的纪念品摊,出租给了一家旅行社,提供若干同样俗气的旅游优惠。酒店一层承办那种老土的韩式或者中式婚宴,似乎那的顾客也主要是请婚宴吃婚宴的人。 . 酒店的建筑和照明都很差,让人有住进了80年代汽车旅馆的感觉,而非去年刚建成的“四星级大酒店”。走廊和房间都很昏暗,地毯上有污迹,真的,里里外外都很劣质。地毯铺的不成样子,相接处,还有墙边的缝隙显而易见,本来是纵向条纹,方向却根本没有对齐。 客房设备简陋,维护不力,已经残旧不堪了。淋浴的水流又细又弱,水居然从喷头里横着喷出来。不过,这也不过是个无聊的笑话而已,里面被水垢堵上了,所以等于不能用。也许他们唯一照顾到顾客的地方,或者唯一体现了酒店“水准”的地方,就是在卫生间里摆了一排的避孕套,润滑油还有其他“成人用品”——当然了,是要收钱的。 附送的早餐简直是个笑话。吃饭的地方是其中一个他们举办婚礼的舞厅。很明显前天晚上那办了一场婚事,而我们吃的东西不过是用自助形式陈设的剩菜而已。他们连桌布也懒得换换,自助台的尽头有个大碗,那是用来倒剩菜,对,把盘里的剩菜倒掉,然后你好再去乘更多的“剩菜”。 酒店的优点是那儿的员工很友好,也愿意提供帮助。只是他们不能说英语。幸好,我们同行的一个朋友能说普通话。 出于好奇,我们跑去街对面那家“国际酒店”看了看。从外观上来说它挺现代的,可进到里边,大堂却是那种土里土气的中国风格。那边停有很多韩国旅游团的大巴,所以可能那边好一点吧。 在延吉,我推荐你去一家韩式烤肉店,就在酒店外面过街天桥的另一边,在KFC之前。那儿的东西挺好吃的。
用户: figowen
点评: 位于延吉市中心,附近很近就是延吉市委,还有好多用朝鲜语标识的银行。附近也有很多练歌房和洗浴场所。酒店一厅有朝鲜族特色商品和长白山土特产出售。房间条件还可以,卫生状况不错。酒店有一些短期出境游的项目,比如去朝鲜和俄罗斯的边境地区,来回2到3天,价格数百元,也是快餐式旅游的不错的选择。
用户: 到到会员
点评: I just read the only review about the Gold Star hotel, and I agree with all the points. I do not recommend to anyone going there. Spend 1/3 of the price and stay at Home Inn - see my review. We were rather shocked by the Gold Star. It doesn't deserve this glorifying name! We had gone to the Chang Bai Shan reserve (CBS), and Yanji is an almost compulsory stopover town given the transportation time contraints between the town and the reserve. On our way to CBS, we stayed overnight at Home Inn (see my review) and on our way back, regretted having paid more for this "4 star hotel", so they say! We were not impressed by the hotel at all, even thoguh we didn't have very high expectations. Our room (a deluxe if I remember well) was bad: big but very dated, uncomfortable, dirty carpets, old sheets with holes, cigarettes butts under the bed and other leftovers. I give it 1 point because the staff was friendly but that's it. Food was so-so, drinks choice was poor, view is OK if you can see the river, but nothing special. The other "international" hotel close-by (by the fountain-roundabout) looked nicer but I only went there for a drink so can't comment. We left early the next morning as we couldn't stand the place. And we had bad experiences with taxi drivers, see my comment further below... Will post a review on CBS and on our hotel there soon.
用户: 到到会员
点评: One is not spoiled for choice for hotels in Yanji. In fact, there is probably little reason to go to this small border town unless you’re in transit to another city or on your way to see the Changbaishan mountains. We reserved this hotel though the Chinese online agency, C-Trip. This agency proved to be invaluable during our two weeks of exploring China. Gold Star Hotel appeared to be one of the best on the site and we reserved two double rooms. It was either this hotel or another modern hotel (forgot the name) which appeared to be of a similar category and purported to be of an ‘international standing’. However, Gold Star was slightly less expensive and what really tipped the decision in their favour was the fact it was constructed last year in 2007. Surely this meant that it had to be better. The hotel is located about 15 minutes from the airport and in the ‘heart’ of the town, which doesn’t say a lot. It is also about 15 minutes by cab from the main bus station. There is not a whole lot in the area except for some banks and some shops, otherwise, there is not a lot going on in Yanji. The hotel was a disappointment. I never would have believed in my life that it was built in 2007 because it was run down and so poorly constructed. The photos were very different from the website to what was reality. It appeared to me that the hotel had some very grand ambitions but later realized there was not a high yield market to be served and then started to engage in whatever activities it could to make money. For example, the lobby which appears very grand in the photos is now cluttered with a cheap souvenir stand, rented out to a travel agency and has several tacky concessions. The first floors of the hotel cater for tacky Korean-Chinese weddings which seems to be the client base of this hotel. Lighting and construction are poor in the hotel and one would think they were in a motel constructed in the 1980’s rather than a ‘four star’ establishment constructed just last year. Hallways and rooms are dark, carpets are stained and construction is shoddy throughout. This includes carpet so poorly laid that there are large gaps between the carpet and the wall and a vertically striped carpet is going every which direction. The rooms are simply furnished and are run down and tired. The shower seems quite elaborate with shower nozzles that squirt water horizontally. However, it just ended up being a cheap joke, so clogged with lime scale to be useless. Perhaps a true reflection of the clientele and quality of the hotel was an array of condoms, lubricants and other devices for ‘adults’ in the washroom – for pay of course. The breakfast that was included was a joke. Breakfast was held in one of the ballrooms used for weddings. It was clear that there was a wedding the previous night and we were eating their leftovers put into a buffet format. The table clothes had not even been changed and there was a large bowl at the end of the buffet that one was to dump their scraps to clear their plate and get more food. The best part about the hotel was the staff who were very friendly and helpful, however they spoke no English at all and thankfully one of our friends spoke Mandarin. Out of curiosity, we ventured across the street to see the other ‘international’ hotel which looked very modern from the outside. Whilst the lobby appeared to be typically Chinese tacky, there were large groups of Korean tourists being bussed there and perhaps it was better. Another recommendation for Yanji is a Korean bbq restaurant located just on the other side of the bridge from the hotel, before you reach the KFC. It was excellent.
用户: 22804727
点评: 房间的质量超出了价格,房间比较宽敞,硬件设施也可以。对这家酒店的整体印象非常好,酒店提供早餐,比较赶紧,有当地的口味。周边人流量多,靠近长白山,很多人都是从这里过去。服务超出以前的标准了。装修方面也挺好的,隔音还可以吧。商务房有电脑,很多房间只提供宽带。
用户: 张**
点评: 前台服务挺好 房间宽敞干净 设施稍有些很旧 用手机导航还算好找 性价比还算很高的 下次去延吉还会入住 美中不足窗外工地施工一宿未停 有噪音
用户: 张**
点评: 前台服务挺好 房间宽敞干净 设施稍有些很旧 用手机导航还算好找 性价比还算很高的 下次去延吉还会入住 美中不足窗外工地施工一宿未停 有噪音