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  5. 北京嘉华世纪大酒店






用户: 阳光客人
点评: 请另寻它处 刚开业一年的酒店, 看起来向是十年老饭店! 可见其管理之差到了极点!
用户: 讨厌这里
点评: 太差劲了,根本没有照片上好看,地方很不好找,房间很小,根本没有所说的43平米,顶多20多,电视也有问题是,看不全屏幕,卫生间没有暖气,浴类是坏的,沐浴是坏的,空调噪音很大,最可恨的是早上七点应该有早餐,结果厨师七点关还没到。装修也不好,根本达不到四星,顶多像一两星小招待所,与价格根本不相符,建议大家选择时一定要慎重。
用户: 到到会员
点评: 我们的出租车司机费了很多周折才找到它。他甚至还打电话给酒店以确定具体方向。他们没有英文路标,所以我们遇到很大麻烦才找到入口。我们的房费是人民币600元一天,我们觉得四星级的酒店应该提供更多服务。地板有点松,几乎要从地上脱开。床很硬,枕头扁平,当我们把被子拽开时,发现了床上有头发。电视没有英语频道,除了中央9套。浴室里安装了桑拿浴缸,但却没有把浴缸上的塑料薄膜撕掉。喷头上面长了什么东西,浴盆和地板之间有一个很大的缝隙,里面布满了脏东西,不知道是什么。我在中国住过很多不错的酒店,只要人民币450元,我期望在这里得到更好的服务。总的来说,卫生很差,令人失望。
用户: 熊胖胖
点评: 一个人来北京的时候都会优先选择住这家酒店,原因很简单,地理位置好,房间宽敞,功能齐备,设施到位。 1.酒店的位置很好,就在燕莎的后面,过了BENTLY的专卖店就是。 2.旁边有好吃的沸腾鱼乡,晚上吃饭不成问题。走10几分钟还有一件古香古色的北京口味店,也很不错,推荐 3.酒店是酒店式公寓的形式,有客厅、卧室、厨房、洗衣房的套间。住起来很舒服,很宽敞,打扫的也蛮干净。大堂、电梯间也很干净,24小时的安保,让人放心。每次出酒店门,保安都会贴心的帮忙推开大门,很NICE. 4.接近800的价格,按照这个地段,还是可以的。 5.可惜没有提供早餐的地方,不过幸好马路斜对面就有便利店。过马路走几分钟也有PIZZAHUT。 6.酒店给人家的感觉,这是很难得的。一家三口来住也是很不错的选择。
用户: 到到会员
点评: 这家酒店的房间很干净、很漂亮、很现代。价格很合理。缺点是,很难找到会讲英语的员工。最差的是,居然没有一个英文电视台。一家迎合西方人的酒店至少应该有CNN和 BBC。
用户: 到到会员
点评: This hotel was very difficult for our taxi driver to find. He eventually had to call the hotel to get directions. They did not have a sign in English, and so we had a difficult time even finding the entrance. We paid 600 RMB a night and we expected so much more from a hotel that claims to be 4 stars. The floor boards were loose and coming up off of the floor. The bed was hard, the pillows were flat, and we saw hair in the bed when we pulled back the sheets. There were no English channels other than the standard CCTV-9. In the bathroom they have installed sauna tubs, but they have not even gone through the effort to pull the plastic off of the tubs. The jets had something growing in them, and there was a huge gap between the tub and the floor which was filled with dirt and who knows what else. The tub is so big that in order to sit on the toilet, you have to sit facing sideways because the bathtub is in the way. I have stayed in some nice hotels in China that only cost 450 RMB, and I expected so much more from this hotel. Overall it was dirty and disappointing.
用户: 到到会员
点评: Rooms are clean and very nice with modern features. Price is right. On the down side it's hard to find someone that speaks English and worst of all not one TV channel in English. One would think a hotel that caters to westerners would at least have CNN or BBC.
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