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  4. 朝阳酒店
  5. 北京国门路大饭店




餐饮服务:聚珍苑:面积为380平方米,可同时容纳260人就餐,以粤菜为主,川、鲁风味为辅。 怡春园:
面积为120平方米,可同时容纳120人就餐。 馨阁:面积为44平方米,可同时容纳16人就餐。 芳舍:面积为38平方米,可同时容纳10人就餐。 静庐:面积为32平方米,可同时容纳10人就餐。雅斋:面积为32平方米,可同时容纳10人就餐。酣园:面积为76平方米,可同时容纳40人就餐。清轩:面积为39平方米,可同时容纳10人就餐。 酌馆:面积为40平方米,可同时容纳10人就餐。



用户: 到到会员
点评: 过去的50年里我已经在5大洲游览过许多地方了,但是从来没有见过像这家酒店一样又脏又破败的地方,即使非洲或南美的酒店也比这里要好。因为国航把一趟去往北京的航线取消了,所以我错过了飞机,在苦苦找寻了2小时后我不得不和同样错过了航班的一位旅客一起订了一间双人房。 前台服务员真是我所见过最没礼貌的,他们甚至想骗我们让我们每人出500元订两间单人房。2个小时的死缠烂打后,我只好住进了这个单人房。我会在后面附上一些这家“酒店”的照片的。房间里到处都是又旧又脏而且磨损很厉害的家具和地毯,放眼望去,走廊一点也不整洁,床垫很旧,家具更是如此。另外还有一点都没用的空调和一堆堆的蚊子,睡个觉都不踏实! 我警告那些想来这里住的人,像躲避霍乱一样远离这里吧!另外千万别从国航那里订航班了,如果你保持健康理智的话。 照片一弄好我马上上传!
用户: 到到会员
点评: 这间酒店在猪流感之后曾经"重新整顿"过。我看着那个打扫卫生的女人用同一块抹布擦了我的洗脸池和厨房工作台之后又去擦厕所里面的东西。而在外面有几张桌子,打扫卫生的女人又将几个瓜丢进了刚刚才用来擦过桌子的水里。而且我住在这里的时间里我从来没有闻到过消毒水的味道。酒店的商务中心就只有3台电脑,可是里面的员工居然经常用来玩游戏。在我找到了一个会说双语的住客之外,这里没人能说英语,就算是经理也不是很管事。我们的整个假期都处于检疫期,虽然我没有发烧也没有任何染病的征兆。而当我们要求提前两个小时走,好搭飞机回家的时候,经理却说可能不行,但他早上就应该告诉我们能离开的时间的。我再也不想见到他了。这里的墙上全是虫子蚊子什么的,浴室很脏也很破旧。我再也不来这住了。
用户: 到到会员
点评: 我来北京旅游,被迫住在这里,因为飞机晚点了,我要去的北京那个住宅区晚上关门。 这个地方很破旧,很容易染上疾病,这就够糟糕的了,更过分的是,酒店就挨着北京郊区最大的垃圾场之一,渐渐的就形成了一个贫民区,空气里灰尘满天,还有腐烂动物的臭气——没错,他们就把屠宰过的牛猪的残骸扔在垃圾堆上面(天知道还有什么其他的东西)! 无论如何一定不要住这儿!
用户: 31209517
点评: 有一点不太方便,就是这个酒店没有到机场的免费接送大巴,那边打的也不方便,坐公车也不方便,也没有地铁,所以我说如果再有免费机场接送大巴的话就更好一些。房间还不错,比较暖和、干净、空调什么的还有热水都挺好的,热水是二十四小时提供的,提供的有饮水机,装修是不错,大厅挺豪华,比较大、气派。服务挺好的,因为我每次去住都打电话预订,如果是之前没到或有什么情况的话,他都会随时跟你联系,会提醒你。餐饮挺好的,做得不错,然后它价格挺适中的,普通的消费,中档消费是没问题的,我们上次吃的就二三百块钱左右,就是中餐,品种比较多。
用户: 18512987
点评: 性价比很高,而且院子景色不错,另外还离机场很近。离机场超级近,打车什么的很方便。酒店本身餐馆味道就不错,价格也不高。院子景色不错。周围还真没有去过。空调好用,电视不错,效果好。房间隔音也不错,窗户大,很明亮。服务很好,到午饭晚饭还通知。服务员很热心。希望上网能更方便就好了。
用户: 26590613
点评: 不是很好,就是房间比较老旧,整体都陈旧,家具,还有破地毯。位置还可以,因为我们是参展嘛,就是展馆旁边。服务还可以,没有什么不好的服务,比如说有些酒店,像一些小城市,比如说爱搭不理啊。这家酒店还可以啊。娱乐设施没有吧,卫生还可以。房间感觉有点老旧吧,隔音还可以吧,空间一般,偏小。床的舒服度还有设施都是一般。就是位置好。大厅小,不是那种特气派的大厅。就是一个普普通通的酒店,没有什么感觉,整个都陈旧。
用户: 到到会员
点评: This hotel has been "repurposed" to house people who have been exposed to swine flu. I watched the cleaning lady wash the inside of my toilet with the same rag she cleaned my sink and countertop. Outside, where there are a few tables, the cleaning woman threw a rotted melon into the water she was using to wipe down the tables. I never smelled antiseptic the entire time we were there. They have a business center with 3 computers - but hotel employees were usually on them playing games. No one spoke English until we found someone who was bi-lingual who was also staying at the hotel. The manager was not helpful. We spent our entire vacation in quarantine - never having a fever or symptoms. We asked to be released 2 hours early so we could make our flight home. The manager said probably not - but he'd let us know the morning of our departure. Never saw him again. Mold is growing on the walls - bugs bite you day and night. Bathrooms are filthy and broken down. Do not stay there.
用户: 到到会员
点评: I was forced to stay here on my trip to Beijing as my flight was delayed and the residential block I was to move into in Beijing was closed for the evening. It's bad enough this place is run down, and prone to giving you any number of diseases, but to cap it off, it is right next to one of the major suburban dumps of Beijing where a very large shanty town has come into existence and squalor, filth, and stench of rotting carcasses fills the air - yes, they just dump the carved up cattle and pork carcasses right on top of everything (and God knows what else)! Avoid this place at all costs!
用户: 到到会员
点评: The place was very hard to find, particularly I had a very dumb taxi driver who could not get clear instruction from 114 when he was obviously lost. The number given for this hotel would not have anyone answering to direct us to get there. After 45 minutes(should have taken 10 minutes from the airport) I got through to the front desk and get to the hotel. The large neon sign which is obvious from the street was turned off so we had not seen it and thus could not find it. The front office girls were good enough to give me a room at 1 in the morning. The room was of average size. The bathroom was substandard with the shower rose missing, water splashed freely all over the room, though the toilet was new. But the carpet! It was actually grimy! It felt like only been swept with a broom. It was actually sticky on the feet! It was hot in the room and yet hotter outside of 31 degrees at 1 in the morning. The aircon has not particular control except 1,2 or 3. Breakfast the next moring was a huge disappointment. The plates were chipped and dirty. I finally picked one and wiped the dirty mark off with a tissue and proceed to the food stand only to find that the warmer had not flame put underneath so the food were all cold. They were all the same, buns, buns, and more buns. two kinds of proridge were on offer. There were a lot airline(Air China ?) ladies who were all well dressed up and pretty and stood out of place in this run down dining hall. I had one bite each of the two cold buns and put down my plate and left. They do offer shuttle services to and from the airport and I used it to avoid having a dumb taxi driver again. The driver was very friendly and was on time.