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  5. 香格里拉依若木廊客栈










用户: 到到会员
点评: 这里和我期望的一模一样!我已经旅行一段时间了,我真的需要找个舒服又友好的地方住一下了。店员让我有家的感觉!后来我延长了在香格里拉的逗留,因为在这里,很容易和店员交上朋友,而且很容易融入当地的社区。宿舍式房间非常干净(可能是因为这是个新客栈吧),而且这里的俱乐部三明治让我无话可说!你真因该自己过来感受一下!
用户: 拿不走的云
点评: 一个劲儿往古镇深处走,依若木廊印入眼帘.房间宽敞.价格合理.服务员腼腆善良.小院面积大且整洁.惟一的问题就是,房间里无线网络微弱.建议尽快解决喔~
用户: 到到会员
点评: Good atmosphere,friendly and helpful staff ,make me feel like home.The room and toilet are very clean and the bed is very comfortable ( with heater on winter ). Strategic location , located at old town of Shangri-la and convenient shop nearby....Recommended to all.
用户: 到到会员
点评: 很好的氛围,友好热心的员工,让我感觉像是在家里一样。房间和马桶很干净,床超级的舒适(冬天有暖气)。位置很好,位于香格里拉的老城,附近有方便的商店,向所有人推荐这里。
用户: 何大宝
点评: 很多到过香格里拉的人都知道,古城很多房子都是木头的,在找到这家客栈之前,我的睡眠质量都很不好,入住的第一个夜晚,也是我在香格里拉睡得最香的夜晚。热水好舒服,大大的花洒!还有啊,客栈的餐厅也非常的温暖,很温馨的黄色色调,很棒的音乐,还有很棒很好吃餐点!!是老板亲自做的哦,他同时也是大厨呢,大王真的是一个非常热情的人,要是有什么不懂的,他都会很热心的给你解答,要是碰上高兴了,说不定还会请你吃烧烤哦!呵呵 院子的花儿们夏天也会漂亮起来的!
用户: 到到会员
点评: i stay here about 4 days and then i go to deqin, when i back i stay the same place, they have good food especially the burger it's amazing
用户: 到到会员
点评: We stayed here only one night, but still it was really nice. Price was more then reasonable (250RMB) location and available internet was even more then we expected.
用户: 到到会员
点评: The 2 proprietors, Min and Jake, provide some of the best food we had in our 6 weeks in China. The Yak meat burgers are fresh, buns are delivered fresh from the french bakery in Lijiang (a couple of hours away at least!). The fries were delicious, fresh and, according to Jake, had very old cheese added as a secret ingredient. After both mundane and dreadfully greasy and salty Chines food the 200 g. yak burger with melted cheese on a sesame bun with fresh tomato, onion and lettuce was a godsend. We went back another night and was blown away by one of the best pizzas I've had anywhere in the world. Jake also prepares a delicious Cantonese dinner party nearly every night for hotel guests and others around town he can fit around the outside dining table; there we 10 people there the night we joined them. The food was, again, phenomenal with plenty of laojo (chinese rice liquor) from a liter jug passed around the table until it was exhausted and a refill called for. While we did not stay at their guest house we were showed the rooms; 10 in all with 4 dorm rooms that sleep 8 in each as well as 4 private double rooms. They looked spacious, clean and comfortable. We we could have stayed there but we already had accomodations. The location just off the NE corner of the dancing square is ideal as well.
用户: 到到会员
点评: Perfect resting place after a rough hike through the gorge. The rooms were very clean and the staff was terrific. They really felt you like home. The food was just outstanding but a quite pricy in my opinion. The dormroom we booked was very clean, though the beds were hard. The ensuite shower/toilet was of high quality. The reception/lounge offered some good relaxing chairs with a wide variety of magazines/books. I would definitely recommend friends and colleagues to come to this guesthouse when visiting Shangri-la.