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  4. 香格里拉酒店
  5. 迪庆香格里拉雪域云轩客栈






入住时间:14:00以后 离店时间:12:00以前


用户: Fiona_shuang
点评: 客栈的设施还是比较简单的,没有洗漱用品,所以若是要住那里的房客们需要自己带牙刷牙膏哦。 酒店的服务员还是比较亲切友好的,但也不是特别的helpful. 最后一天我们要走的时候,前台的美女8点才起床,让我们几个赶巴士的人着实着急了一会。所以若是要早上很早离开的,需要提前跟前台美女说哦。因为香格里拉的人可能都比较习惯了这种悠闲的生活。 后来最后一天我们换了一家当地人自己家里的客栈,60元一天,超便宜,虽然设施没有挪亚好,但是性价比绝对是要高的。
用户: 到到会员
点评: 我和丈夫在东南亚度长假,我们在香格里拉(Shangri la )住了几天。 因为不喜欢在网上订的酒店客房,后来有天晚上我们走进了挪亚客栈 。我们被震惊了!这里的服务太棒了。它像家一样温柔舒适。客房很整洁,床具奢华,还带有电热毯。浴室很干净,没有异味。这对中国房价在30美元以下的酒店来说是很罕见的。我们太幸运了! 像我们这样长途旅行时,在出发到下一个国家自助游前,我们有时候会选择 一个温暖干净的地方好好的休息一下。这家酒店位置一流,绝对是物超所值。我强烈推荐这家酒店。
用户: 到到会员
点评: 我们在香格里拉住了两晚,住的是当地的挪亚客栈,觉得是个好住处!房间很干净,床铺很暖和,很温馨。浴室是现代化的,东西都很好用。客栈的工作人员都很友好,尽职尽责。他们的影碟很多,如果你怕无聊,就可以借来看。另外冰箱里的吃的喝的都很足。这里的饭菜不很好,而且住处和餐厅不在同一个地方。挪亚咖啡厅在老城外边,客栈则在老城里。工作人员告诉我,他们正在计划在客栈里安排用餐场所,可能过几个月就可以实现。当时是四月初,所以现在看来应该快弄好了。 祝好,Graham 还有:小心那儿的台阶……真陡!!!
用户: 到到会员
点评: 工作人员很友好,房间又新又干净,浴室有温水,所有东西都很新很好用,包括暖气……一切都很完美!
用户: 到到会员
点评: We just popped by with no reservation and we weren't looking for anything fancy. Literally just want a place to sleep for the only night we were in Shangri La. Price was very good, can't complain for what you get at what we paid for. Staff was great, you can tell that they are kind hearted people. We had both dinner and breakfast here. While by international standards the food nothing to crow about, its actually very decent food while in the Yunnan province. Simple food found in a well cooked meal like crumbed chicken breast, spaghetti bolognese and american style breakfast were more than welcome after a lot of the more 'exotic' food found in Yunnan. Only complain I would make are the mattresses were hard. But at the price, I won't say its a big deal. FYI, there's a hairdryer available at the shelf leading to corridor of rooms. We didn't realize there was one until leaving.
用户: 到到会员
点评: 我们是临时到那儿,没有预订。也不期望能有什么好待遇。只是希望能有过夜的地方,好让我们在香格里拉那晚能够落脚。这里的价格很实惠,没啥好抱怨的,一分钱一分货嘛。 员工都很棒,他们确实都是热心人。我们在那儿吃了早餐跟晚餐。虽然按国际标准,那些吃的算不上什么,但在云南省来说算是很上得了台面的了。都是简单的菜肴,但做得很好,比如炒鸡胸肉,肉酱意大利面,还有美式的早餐,对我们这些吃了太多异乡食物的人来说,这在云南确实能慰籍我们的胃口。 唯一不满意的,就是床垫太硬了。不过考虑到价格,这也不算什么。 顺便说一句,在去客房的那条门廊那儿有个吹风机。一开始我们不知道,离开时才发现。
用户: 橄榄枝11
点评: 不知不觉好像进入了异国他乡,诱人的咖啡,香气四溢的蛋糕,和蔼的小妹,可爱的Ginger ,触动心弦的音乐,让你止不住停下你匆忙的脚步.........
用户: 到到会员
点评: The Noah Cafe and Inn is located centrally in the old city of Zhongdian (Now better known as Shangri La). The hotel itself is comfortable, but the best part of this hotel were the staff. As well as being friendly, and with a basic knowledge of English, they were really helpful with all requests. For example, we were looking for a local restaurant to eat dumplings. Rather than attempt to persuade us to eat at Noah's, or point out a restaurant on a map, our host insisted on walking with us to a nearby recommended restaurant, When that was not open, she walked with us until we found something suitable. Noah's Cafe is about 50 metres away for the inn, and provide western style breakfasts. Other good things about Noah's - internet access is free, and if you need to get some laundry done, this is the place.
用户: 到到会员
点评: I did a 4 day stopover in Shangri-la when I was backpacking through Yunnan. It was a pleasant surprise to find western and mexican food at Noah Cafe for an extremely affordable prices(20-35rmb, USD 3-6 per dish). The portions were generous (a little too much for me tho) and the the food pretty authentic. The owner was a lady from the Mosuo ethnic group with over 30 years of varied culinary experience! I spent the afternoon lounging in the cafe as it was pouring cats and dogs. There was free wi-fi and I used their computer to skype with my fiance from the US for free (most cafes / hostels charge up to 1USD per half hour). A must stop for anyone coming through Shangri-la!