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  4. 香格里拉酒店
  5. 迪庆皮匠坡老客栈





用户: 嘉伦
点评: 真的是具有300年历史的房子了,房门关死还有门缝,屋内的设备齐全,可能是我高原反应的问题吧,在那边住了两个晚上,每个晚上都如同做了300年的梦。客栈的位置在香格里拉古城非常里面了,我拖着箱子都把轮子磨掉了好多,大家看一下我的图片吧。
用户: 到到会员
点评: The place has a lot of charm and character being in a building that is hundreds of years old. It's a nice looking building from the outside. The location in the old town is a plus point. I had a read reviews in a guide book about certain rooms having good views over the old town. We asked to see these rooms and did not think there was any kind of view as such, certainly not from the room, only from the walkway to the room. In any case it was not worth the massive hike in price so we went for a regular room on a lower level. Rooms were so so, no towels provided though, the plumbing is very poor (I guess as the house is so old) so there were issues with the bathroom toilet. The electricity cut off a couple of times during our one day stay which was a pain as no internet & bathroom was in total darkness. The main issue is noise. There were construction works being done on the inn so there was noise from that. Also the walls in the rooms are paper thin. We had a lot of noise from people walking in the corridor past the room & also groups of (possibly staff) congregating in an area near the corridor to chat and with their children playing. At night we didn't sleep too well due to noise from neighbouring rooms. You feel as if these people are actually in your room, you can hear every word of their conversations and everything that happens in their bathrooms...which is not too pleasant! Didn't think this place was particularly good value for money, hence after one night we decided to move on.
用户: 葡萄小巫
点评: 在网上预定皮匠坡来客栈,是因为比较了香格里拉古镇上大部分客栈,觉得它地理位置,环境,价格都是很好的,性价比比较高的一家。。去了那里发现比想象中的要好呢!房子很古朴,全是木制的,必尽300年前的房子了,大大的客厅,有木头沙发,茶几,古香古色的窗台,和新鲜的花朵。老板是两个小姑娘,很热情,还会坐四川菜,价位合理,为道好!房间比我想象中要小一些,不过算舒适,最主要是安静,还有一个走廊,没事可以看看书。整栋客栈不小了,有18个大大小小房间。如果是爱好摄影的朋友,一定可以再很多地方取景,还能看到香格里拉古镇全景。
用户: 32159944
点评: 很差的酒店,不仅没有吹风机,卫生条件较差,隔音太差,性价比一般。交通也很不方便的,服务员对服务一点不热情的,我对这家酒店很失望,这个价格应该可以住到更好的酒店的。
用户: 到到会员
点评: 这家酒店特别的富有魅力和特色,因为这是一座拥有100多年历史的古老建筑了。从外面看酒店大楼也非常漂亮。酒店位于老城区的位置也是一大惊喜。我在旅行指南上面看到的评论里面说这家酒店的有些房间里面视线非常不错,可以欣赏到老城区的景色。而我们特意要求进入这样的房间去看了一下,感觉并没评论里说的那么好看的景色,至少从房间里面看不到,只能从外面的走廊里面才可以看得到。因此无论如何这样的房间也不值得为它多花那么多钱,所以我们还 要了一间位于较低楼层的普通房间。 房间里面也一般般,并且还没有提供毛巾,房间的供水系统也很糟糕(我感觉是因为酒店大楼实在太旧了的原因),因此卫生间的马桶冲水都有问题。我们只在这里住了一天,房间里面就断了 好几次电,感觉让人非常痛苦,因为既上不了网而且浴室里面也一片漆黑。 更严重的问题则是噪音。由于酒店里面正在进行施工,所以这里的噪音特别大。另外也是因为房间的墙壁都薄得像纸一般。我们在房间里面可以听得各种各样的噪音,例如外面走廊里面客人的脚步声,一群人(估计是酒店服务人员)在聚集在走廊里面聊天,还有一些小孩子们在玩耍的声音等。到了晚上我们也睡不好,因为隔壁的房间声音很大。你会觉得这些人就像是在你自己的房间里面一样,你甚至可以清晰地听到他们所说的每一句话,他们在浴室里面所做的任何动作等...真让人感觉不爽! 因此我觉得这家酒店其实并不是很划算,因此我们只住了一个晚上之后就决定离开了。