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  5. 天津莱佛士酒店


















用户: 到到会员
点评: I stayed here 4 nights since I wanted to try another hotel and they had a very good promotion for the weekend. I expected a lot, after all it has the name Raffles… The room I booked (Grand room) was really great! Good bed, great shower and free-standing bad with tv and an excellent view overlooking the city. Still, there were some details which could have been improved. The most annoying thing was the control panel from the light/ curtains beside the bed. Even after 4 days it was still a miracle... Service in the hotel was poor. The check inn was good and 2 managers in the restaurant were good but that was all. Most other staff acted as if they did not really care about service. Seems that service has a different meaning in this hotel. I talked to a manager while I was waiting for my taxi and he was waiting for his company-car. He asked me about my opinion since they just opened up. As soon as he got the change to interrupt me, he did and only talked about how great the hotel was. He didn’t care about my opinion. Like somebody else already mentioned: it felt like a local 5-star hotel; definitely not a international 5 star hotel. The restaurant where you can have the breakfast and dinner is dark! There are not windows and despite the fact that they tried to make it good looking, it felt like a cave to me. Buffet was ok, breakfast was good but not like in other international 5 star hotels. In my case there was a group of noisy, rude Chinese youngsters who first got as much as possible food on their table, before eating not even a quarter of all they had. Nobody from the staff did anything and let them. The gym and pool are really nice. Good facilities and a good, small, pool. Location: 3 Starbucks within 100 mtr  and lots of shops. When you leave the hotel, turn right and follow the street to the first big crossing. The mall on the left side (on the other side of the street) has an excellent supermarket in the basement. They also have a good Thai restaurant on the top floor
用户: 33504432
点评: 房间非常好,足够大,而且它楼层很高,如果站在够高的地方的话,我可以看见天津市最繁华的地方,还有它离天津的商业中心也很近。同其他酒店相比较,无论是从服务员铺床也好,然后还是那种床单和枕巾的清洁程度也好,都要比其他酒店好一些。然后服务态度特别好,因为订完房间之后,会有专人带领我们去找那个房间,即使那个房间非常好找。
用户: norvins
点评: raffles天津位于南京路和滨江道交口,是天津市市区的核心区,地理位置的优越性使其成为天津标志性的五星级酒店。其所在建筑天津中心也是天津已建成的最高建筑,因此目前raffles也是天津最高的酒店。天津作为五大直辖市之一,北方发展最快的经济中心,对高端五星级酒店的需求十分旺盛,而raffles正好适应了这种需求。酒店的装饰以现代手法加以中国风的元素打造,体现了天津这个城市的独特韵味。最值得肯定的是酒店的服务,这天津这个服务业相对落后的城市,raffles很好的坚持了其一如既往的管家式服务理念和特色,酒店客房标准也比较到位,房间50到60平米,bose的音响,方便的internet接入,客房自主bar一应俱全,舒适和方便相得益彰。酒店的服务配套也做到了细致入微,一层除设有大堂吧外,还设置了图书馆,里面的harry hour独具特色,其他的中餐、西餐也是一应俱全,别具特色。应该说是天津目前开业的五星级酒店的中品质感很高的一家了。当然酒店刚开业不久也有些许不足,比如在温度的控制上还不能算是完美,有待改进。还有就是酒店的价位有些偏高,客房内的食品饮料基本都是超市价格的10倍,当然超五星自然价格也是超级的了,但说实话这个价格已经超过香港同类酒店了。 不过,总体上对raffles还是满意的,希望天津的其他酒店能在跨素发展的同时也把软环境-服务保证了,毕竟住五星级酒店享受的还是服务嘛
用户: tomatomilk
点评: 酒店貌似新开的,房间很大,尤其是卫生间,有临窗的浴盆,可以一边洗澡一边欣赏外边的夜景。酒店的装潢散发着现代艺术气息。
用户: 33551484
点评: 非常好的服务,比如早晨吃早餐的时候,应该都是在餐厅里去吃的,当我提出要拿回房间里吃的时候按规定是不允许的,但是他也是想办法满足我的要求,并且也会很礼貌的回绝我,感觉态度蛮不错的,还有他们的餐饮也可以,像中餐、西餐,还有一些有名的各地小吃都有,像海南鸡饭、泰国咖喱饭之类的都有,种类挺多的。房间里也不错,里面也比较干净,设备也都很新,还有酒店也比较高,在房间里面看到市区全景是没问题的,感觉蛮不错的。
用户: charry8081
点评: 酒店位置极佳,从38层楼上望去,景色很美。49层的“云景”酒吧也很棒,高端俱乐部的感觉,服务很热情周到,浴室是超喜欢的,大且明亮,一定要再去的!
用户: 到到会员
点评: 我订了行政客房的周末套餐。我必须相信这跟我预料的一样好,很好的淋浴间和浴缸。不过,我也不太清楚为什么电梯没有空调,尤其正值夏季。我很失望,所谓的24小时管家服务显然没有。这意味着只有内务管理带来的牛奶,自己冲咖啡,我预计今年的管家服务应该会为你提供茶/咖啡或免费饮料。但酒店告诉我们到休息室取饮料。此外,莱佛士酒店应该是一个多民族的酒店集团,而不是当地华人5星级酒店。他们提供的早餐让我很失望,他们应该符合国际标准。我感觉就像在当地的3-4星级酒店吃早餐,食物的质量也不好。我不知道晚上什么时候开始在图书馆/商务中心有鸡尾酒提供,但我在18:30进去了,馆内没有工作人员。似乎订行政间毫无意义,也许豪华客房(在另一家酒店吃早餐)就可以了。与其他拥有行政楼层的酒店相比,莱佛士俱乐部休息室很差。他们需要改进,否则很难有回头客。
用户: 到到会员
点评: Not what you would expect from such a high end brand. Beautiful rooms and very clean. Why such high security at the door. I just popped out to buy a can of coke and some snack ant a near by convenience store and was forced to go through airport style security when I returned! We did book in advance but when we arrived in the room there was only one housecoat and slippers. The 'free shoeshine' was nothing more than a shoddy wipe with some magic wipe. You know the kind that looks great while its still wet but looks like you just stepped in a puddle after it dries. Never did get that baby cot but luckily the sofa was ok for our two year old.They do have a very beautiful bar near the top floor which has great views of the city sadly you will more likely be the only person there. Finally my wife got food poisoning from the chicken they served in the restaurant and the food generally was not much better than the street vendors just with cleaner plates and a tablecloth. All and all a nice place to visit if you want to see some nicely designed rooms but you really should get more for your money in terms of service and food selection & quality.
用户: DannyLi09
点评: 酒店地理位置较好,交通很方便。 房间很大,标间基本都60多平米的样子。布置非常好,稍显奢华,2月份睡觉还是有点点热。 其他都很好,尤其是服务很到位。 早点也很丰盛。
用户: 暖暖爱
点评: 地点非常方便,离商业街很近,很繁华也很舒适,自助餐种类少了些,价格比同类稍高,服务很好是一家高质量的五星级酒店。